Medical Assistant Test Prep Free

Preparing for the Medical Assistant exam can seem like a difficult task. But you could prepare well to face the exam using the practice tests that are available free online. These tests would help in Understanding the Test Format as every standardized test has its own unique format.  As you take practice CMA tests you will become comfortable with the format of the actual test. Read on to understand the topics that are tested in the test, to help you prepare. 

Anatomy and Physiology

A general knowledge of the human body and how it works is required for Medical Assistants to perform their patient care duties well. You also need to understand about microorganisms and cells. 

Diagnostic Tests

A diagnostic test is used to help assess the condition of the patient. These tests have set protocols to ensure that the test results are absolutely accurate and help other medical professionals to use the results in a meaningful way. A medical assistant might be expected to assist doctors or other medical professionals during these diagnostic tests and also provide information to patients.  

Financial Management and Insurance

Medical assistants are expected to help with clerical tasks in a medical office and this often includes managing payments and insurance. A certain amount of financial knowledge is needed in order to maintain accounts. 

Law and Ethics

Basic knowledge of medical Ethics would seem to be enough to assist in a medical office. There are numerous laws that govern medical practice, and rules that specify who is certified for various jobs and tasks and there are rigid guidelines about the release of information. You must know and follow these laws and rules in order to work as a medical assistant.

Medical Office Management

A medical assistant is responsible for some of the management functions of the office. This could include basic housekeeping and maintenance duties, as well as maintaining patient relationships. Basic computer knowledge in knowing how to use its various functions, including scheduling, maintaining patient records, and other file maintenance is expected.

Medical Procedures

Medical Assistants might be involved in patient intake and the measuring of vital signs. This requires accuracy in both measurement and recording. MAs are also expected to know the procedure for dealing with measurements that could indicate an emergency. Sometimes MAs are asked to assist doctors during procedures. 


While medical assistants cannot prescribe medication, they are often asked to help with its administration. Knowledge of various drugs and its administration route is expected from MAs. Some prescriptions have additional issuing requirements and you need to know those, along with the laws that govern the use of prescription drugs.  


Blood samples are taken from patients for many reasons. There are a number of variables in the collection process such as site of collection, that can affect test results and the usefulness of the sample. Knowledge in phlebotomy is important for Medical Assistants. 

Psychology and Communication

Being able to understand a patient’s state of mind often comes from actively listening to him/her and combining that with your knowledge of typical psychological responses to life events. Being a Medical Assistant means that you would be meeting and interacting with many people, especially patients. Sound knowledge in Psychology and Communication  is extremely important to succeed as a MA. 

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